Looking back on this last year and on my life, there are a few important issues that have always been present.
And they all come down to: truth, peace and respect.
And even these three are extremely intermingled in a way that one can't come fully to be without the other.

Already as a young child I stood up when people didn't show respect for each other, which was quite something as I was an extremely shy and insecure child.
Maybe the stories about the attrocities of war formed my character. The material effects, telling about the horrible experiences of people, were still visible in our town, which had been a front-line city during WW2.
And my family all experienced bombings, razia's, loss of beloved ones and the whole lot people experience when they are on the receiving end of war.

When I look to what all religions have in their guidelines, I can only conclude that one can never ever find any excuse for war.

I believe that all people are equal. That we need to share what we are so abundantly given by Mother Earth. I believe that living with respect for all what lives, striving for the truth in yourself and in your actions, can only bring peace.

sitemap 2006


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