Welcome to my journal.
It's about my life, my feelings and my family with 6 children. The twinsgirls of 10: Yinti and Djenné. Nyo (14, autistic), Thami (15, dyslectic and ADHD), Lars (17), Stef (20 ADD and Asperger), and their father (PDD-Nos, autistic traits).
This blog is not written to offend, but it's a way to vent.
I'm allowed to. I'm managing a nuthouse. LOL!
thursday december 14 2006
I can't believe it... another molar broke off.
Just like that. And the hole is deep... so that might even mean surgery.
I'm already so very tired. I was too tired to blog about last tuesday.
I wish there was one day things went just like the life of other people.
monday december 11 2006
Had the talk with the psychiatrist with and about Stef. The oldest.
Givng him a vieuw on the problems we encounter at home made Stef feel very defensive, which is quite understandable. It also gave an impression how he deals with frustration, and how easily he becomes frustrated.
He also kept denying certain issues, and he kept repeating some recent frustrations, like a broken record.
It's very much the way he is.
The report for school will be made as soon as possible. I get the first draft and I'm allowed to make changes.
I did miss that with the other psych.
We'll also get some support in looking for a place to live for Stef.
We're dealing with the report about Stef for that.
At the end of the conversation he said that Stef has serious autistic issues, and he has a far more serious degree of autism that he thought.
Well, now he has seen Stef for about 3 to 4 hours, which is different from 12 minutes in total.
He also doubted if Stef also was ADD. I told him that it depends on the way its defined. It's certainly not ADHD without the H.
I know he's considered the specialist, but I feel he's not up to date with the latest researchdata.
Being in a group of parents and researchers of ADD and Aspergers with ADD, I know what Stef has to deal with.
Well, let's see how stubborn the guy is after I've send him the info. LOL!Spend a large part of the afternoon writing a little booklet about ADHD. It's meant for the talk with school tomorrow.
If I work on it a couple of days more it will be a booklet young people can hand out to people who want to understand them better.br>I intend writing one for each spectrumdisorder.
The talk tomorrow is very important.
It's about the problems Thami has at school, especially after he was attacked and the school didn't handle it well.
The vice-principal is as much an arrogant man as the mentor. They think Thami just needs a better upbringing, more punishment and more behaviourcontrol.
They're not aware they're dealing with a neurological handicap.
So wish us luck!