Sinterklaas and all his zwarte Pieten
come to The Netherlands
at about the third week of november.
From that date on
they visit many families
schools, offices, factories and so on,
all through the country.

Sinterklaas does this year after year,
through all the ages
and he LOVES it!!
Some people in our country
started to doubt his enthousiasm
during the sixties and the seventies
of last century.
Those were years
that people wanted proof for everything,
so our most famous journalist
and TV-personality:
Mies Bouwman,
interviewed Sinterklaas
on one of his tours.

He took away all doubt.
Told her he LOVED visiting the Dutch families
and enjoyed his nightrides on the roofs.
He smiled so charming
that Mies Bouwman had to laugh.
Up till now,
there's no Dutch person
who questiones Sint's enthousiasm anymore.
On the contrary,
we are deeply grateful
for what he has done
during all those years.

That is symbolised,
not only by allowing Sinterklaas
free entrance in our country,
and adhering to the traditions,
but also by making our children
familiar with the concept
that giving makes happy.
Sinterklaas is a perfect
role model.





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