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Monday's Mama Drama
27 febr 2005

Got my questions from

  1. Does your child(ren) have recurrent temper tantrums?
    My oldest had them when he was young.
    My autistic boy till about a few months ago.
    And my 16 year old.

  2. If so, how old is your child and how do you deal with it? :
    My oldest when he was about 3 years of age.
    I was told to take him up, hold him tight and close to me till he was finished and then let him free.
    It worked.
    After a couple of months it all stopped and never happened anymore.

    My autistic boy never learned to deal with it himself.
    I tried everything.. getting angry, ignoring, punishing, giving positive reïnforcement when he wasn't showing problems.
    Then finally, when he also started to display them on a regular basis at school, we got medication.
    So now he doesn't get as angry as before, is able to remember why he is angry and now he's learning to deal with irritation, not understanding matters etc.

    Lars has angry days/weekends when he doesn't get what he wants.
    In a way it has to do with his PDD-NOS, and in another way with manipulating us.
    We tried to explain that the amount of money is limited, etc etc.
    Now I feel the only way is to ignore it.
    He certainly won't get what he wants after terrorising us if it's up to me.

Monday's Mama Drama
Got my questions from

  1. Do you have a routine time your kids are in bed?:
    Yes. For the younger three rather fixed times.
  2. If so what time is that? :
    The girls at about 19.30 hours, Nyo at 21.00 hours, and the rest after that when the boy before sleeps.
    So when they're not going to sleep, the other boys is lucky. LOL!
  3. Do they normally agree willingly to go to bed or do they put up a fight? :
    We never had to put up a fight when they were little.
    we praised ourselves happy.
    Good we did, because the girls love to talk in bed, Nyo wants to go later. So does Thami.
    Lars is less of a problem and goes to sleep when he's tired.
    And Stef is a real pain.

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