Last year Sinterklaas visited some sites for the first time.
It felt like a miracle that he found the klompen we had ready for him.

On this page you'll find the gifts for Sinterklaas, his Pieten and the horse,
send by my online friends in 2005.

It's tradition to sing a Sinterklaassong to signal that the shoes are ready.
I've sung very hard, so
I'm sure he's left a nice gift for them in their mailbox.

Sinterklaasfun 2006

Sinterklaasfun 2005

all about Sinterklaas



Made by...

Ala's and Ela's gift, made by Ela
Antoinette, Suzanne and Lori made them themselves,
and Sint, Annette was ill, but she was able to send her best wishes to you,
made by Irene.
Marge asked to tell the horse he shouldn't eat the bunny,
only the carrot.

Page is handcoded.
codes by Dynamic Drive
Graphic is a non-copyrighted traditional
Backgrounds by me
Nothing is available for downloading.

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